An equation of quadratic form is derived relating the phase mismatch /Ik = lksum -kpump -k s,~., l in an optical sum-frequency generation process to the angle ~ between the pump and signal wave vectors. For a special value of kp,mp a solution of Ak = 0 exists having degenerate roots and consequently a single value of 4. Because of this it is possible to choose a non-collinear phasematching situation for an optical up-converter which tolerates a much larger signal beam divergence than if a collinear-beam interaction were chosen. The case of up-conversion of 10.6 Fm radiation to the visible, using ruby-laser pumped proustite was chosen as an example for experimental study. Under tangential phase-matching conditions an angular acceptance angle of the infra-red beam of 300 mrad was achieved for a crystal 0.45 cm long.