Instillation of three drops of 0.025% hyoscine hydrobromide into one eye at 5 min intervals caused a mydriasis and cycloplegia of rapid onset and of 4-6 days' duration; this was similar to the previously reported actions of concentrations of up to 0.5%. After refraction for the working distance of the experiments, contrast sensitivity to stationary oscilloscope-generated grating patterns of 10 and 20 c/deg was unaffected despite the mydriasis. Also, contrast sensitivity to laser interference fringes of 10 and 20 c/deg observed in the Maxwellian view, in which the effects of the ocular media are bypassed, was unaffected. Contrast sensitivity to a 3 c/deg phase-reversed grating pattern was, however, transiently reduced by 40% after hyoscine. A second series of experiments showed a deleterious effect of hyoscine on contrast sensitivity to both stationary and phase-reversed grating patterns of 2, 3 and 5 c/deg while contrast sensitivity at 10 c/deg was not consistently affected. These results were explained by a direct deleterious action of hyoscine at the level of the retina, specific to channels that detect low spatial frequencies.