1. Eight pigs with a mean weight of 48 kg were given, at a constant daily rate, diets of low (0.15) or high (0.30) protein content, very deficient in lysine, with or without a supplement of L-lysine (3-7 g/kg).2. Measurements of nitrogen and energy metabolism were made in four successive 14 d periods in a Latinsquare design.3. The rate of protein accretion was substantially increased by increases in both protein and lysine supply, but the rate of heat production was not significantly changed.4. The rate of fat deposition varied inversely with the rate of protein accretion, being reduced by both protein and lysine supplements.5. The relation between heat production and protein accretion (allowing for a constant energy cost of fat deposition) suggested that heat production increased with additional protein accretion less when protein quality was improved than when more protein was given.It was Kielanowski (1965) who first proposed, and who later elaborated (Kielanowski, 1966) the idea that the energy requirement of a growing animal can be considered to be the sum of three components : the energy requirements for maintenance, protein accretion (A) and fat deposition. Using multiple regression, he computed the association of metabolizable energy (ME) with A and fat deposition. The residual quantity was assumed to be the energy required for maintenance. In recent years, experiments in several species have been made to estimate the magnitude of these specific costs. As far as growing pigs are concerned, a survey of experimental evidence (Fowler et al. 1980; Agricultural Research Council, 198 1) suggested that the ME required for A is, on average, 44 kJ/g and for fat deposition 54 kJ/g. By subtracting from these values the heats of combustion of body protein and fat (23.7 and 39.6 kJ/g; Franke & Weniger, 1958) the increases in heat production associated with protein and fat deposition are 20.3 and 14.4 kJ/g respectively. These estimates are based on statistical associations, rather than physiological causation. It is simply to say that when the rate of A is increased, energy expenditure increases in constant proportion : it is not to say that there is necessarily any direct causal link between the two.By contrast, it has been estimated (Millward et al. 1976) that 4 mol ATP are required for each peptide bond formed and probably another 1 mol for additional associated energy expenditures in amino acid transport, RNA synthesis, etc. The synthesis of 5 mol ATP typically requires 400 kJ ME; assuming that the average molecular weight of amino acid residues is 116, this suggests that 3.45 kJ ME are expended for each 1 g protein synthesized.It might be thought that these estimates, 3.45 kJ/g for protein synthesis (S) and 20.3 kJ/g for A , could be reconciled if protein turnover exceeded A by a factor of 6, which indeed it commonly does (Waterlow et al. 1978). However, what is important is not the overall ratio, S: A but the marginal ratio, that is, the change in S associated with a change in A. In a previous paper (Reeds et...