This research aims to investigate the teachers' pedagogical design capacity for multicultural mathematics education. For the purpose, we collected teaching plans developed by inservice teachers who registered in a multicultural mathematics teacher education course of graduate level. The analysis focused on how the teachers reorganized mathematical contents and adapted instructional strategies in order to achieve the instructional goals. The analysis shows that the teachers applied the 'Principle of Equity' most frequently compared to other principles of multicultural mathematics education. This means that it is necessary to provide teacher education programs to enhance teachers' understanding of ethnomathematics and to develop PCK to reorganize curricula contents by integrating ethnomathematics. Second, it was observed that the teachers experienced difficulty in adapting the levels of multicultural mathematics education coherently. This suggests that when teachers tried to design lessons from a new perspective, they often turned back to teacher-centered teaching practices that they had been used to. Third, in the teaching plans adapting the 'Principle of Transformation', although Level 4 appeared most frequently, mathematical contents and social issues were placed separately without being integrated. Although the course helped the teachers recognize the relationship between mathematics and human practice, the teachers might keep their previous beliefs about mathematics as academic knowledge separated from human life. Thus, this limitation may persist without a change of the teachers' beliefs regarding the cultural origin of mathematics. Based on the results, we draw implications for the future development of multicultural mathematics teacher education.