For 2-acetylfuran, quantum chemistry predicted and proton magnetic resonance study reported two conformers, anti and syn, differing in the position of the carbonyl group with respect to the O1C2 bond of the furan ring. The microwave spectrum of the title molecule was recorded in the frequency range from 2 to 26.5 GHz using a molecular jet Fourier transform microwave spectrometer, confirming the presence of both conformers. Spectroscopic parameters such as the rotational and centrifugal distortion constants could be determined with high precision. The spectra of all 13 C-and 18 O-isotopologues of the energetically more favorable anti-conformer could be assigned, allowing the experimental determination of bond lengths and bond angles from the heavy atom substitution rs and the semi-experimental equilibrium 𝑟 e SE structures. Splittings arising from the internal rotation of the acetyl methyl group could be resolved for both conformers as well as for all assigned isotopologues, from which the barrier to methyl internal rotation was determined. The torsional barrier is largely invariant at around 319 cm 1 in the parent species of anti-2-acetylfuran and its isotopologues, showing that though isotopic substitution greatly influences the rotational properties of the molecule and causes a different microwave spectrum, its effect on the methyl torsion is negligible. On the other hand, conformational effects play a decisive role, as the torsional barrier of 239.780(13) cm 1 found for syn-2-acetylfuran differs significantly from the value for anti-2-acetylfuran. The results are compared and discussed with other methyl substituted furan derivatives and acetyl group containing ketones for a better understanding of different effects influencing molecular geometry parameters and methyl internal rotations.