Sixteen healthy West African Dwarf (WAD) bucks aged 2.0 to 2.6 years, weighing between 8.50 kg and 8.52 kg were used to study the effect of gonadotrophin (Pergonal®) on semen characteristic, hormonal profile and biochemical constituents of the seminal plasma. The 16 WAD bucks were divided into 4 treatment groups. Each treatment group consisted of 4 bucks with one buck per replicate in a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 4 levels of Pergonal® as treatment. The levels of Pergonal® were 0.00 i.u (T1), 9.00 i.u (T2), 18.00 i.u (T3), and 27.00 i.u (T4) Pergonal® injections (Ferring Labs USA). The group which contained no Pergonal® served as the control (T1), administered with 1.00 ml physiological saline. All the treatments were given by intramuscular injections. The results showed significant differences (P0.05) among the treatment groups in all the parameters for semen quality: semen volume, mass motility, semen pH, individual motility, sperm concentration, proportion of live, normal and dead sperm cells. The results further showed that there were significant differences (P0.05) among the treatment groups in luteinizing hormone (LH), follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and testosterone levels in the serum. Similarly, the results showed that there were significant differences (P0.05) among the treatment groups in sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, fructose, bicarbonate, urea, Ascobic acid and citric acid in the seminal plasma. The results of this study showed that Pergonal (R) enhanced semen quality and was not detrimental to the hormonal profile and biochemical constituents of the seminal plasma of the WAD bucks.