Data on 187 DNA-tested purebred Landrace pigs were used to compare heterozygous RYR1 genotypes (Nn) and normal homozygotes (NN) in performance (growth, fat deposition rate and feeding behaviour patterns), and carcass, meat and fat quality traits. From 75 to 165 days of age, live body weight (BW), ultrasonic midback (UMB) and loin (ULB) backfat measurements were recorded periodically on the same animal. Individual voluntary feed intake (DFI), number of visits (NVD) and feeding time (FTD) were measured on a daily basis using an automatic feeding system. Polynomial models with random regression coef®cients were used to describe BW, UMB, ULB, DFI, NVD and FTD as a function of age. Carcass, meat and fat quality traits were analysed using a mixed model with the RYR1 genotype as a ®xed effect. No signi®cant (p < 0.05) differences were observed between NN and Nn genotypes for growth, feed intake and feed ef®ciency at any age, but the NN pigs showed higher values for UMB and ULB (0.68 0.30 mm and 0.88 0.40 mm, respectively, at 165 days). The Nn pigs had higher predicted carcass lean content (+11.1 3.7 g/kg) and higher proportion of ham in the carcass (+2.9 1.4 g/kg). However, they showed lower values of pH measurements at 45 min post-mortem (±0.26 0.05 in M. longissimus dorsi, LD), and higher electrical conductivity at 45 min (+1.03 0.17 ls in LD) and 24 h post-mortem (+1.63 0.29 ls in LD). No signi®cant differences were found between genotypes for intramuscular fat in the M. semimembranosus (SM) and for fatty acid pro®les in the subcutaneous backfat and in the intramuscular fat of the SM. The results of this study suggest that Nn pigs would attain their maximum growth rate at later stages than the NN without any relevant change in the feeding behaviour pattern. Also they con®rm that Nn pigs are leaner, have greater proportion of high-priced cuts in the carcass and are more prone to develop pale, soft and exudative meats. However, no effect on fat quality traits was found.
ZusammenfassungVergleich von RYR1-Genotypen innerhalb einer Schweinerasse in Bezug auf Fressverhalten sowie Merkmalen der Mastleistung und Schlachtko È rperqualita È t Zum Vergleich von heterozygoten RYR1-Genotypen (Nn) mit homozygoten Genotypen (NN) in Bezug auf Wachstum, Verfettung und Fressverhalten sowie der Schlachtko È rper-, Fleisch-und Fettqualita Èt wurden Daten von 187 auf DNA-Ebene getesteten, reinrassigen spanischen Landrasse-Schweinen verwendet. Zwischen dem 75. und 165. Lebenstag wurde in regelma Èûigen Absta Ènden das Lebendgewicht (BW), die Ru È ckenspeckdicke in der Mitte des Ru È ckens (UMB) sowie im Lendenbereich (ULB) mittels Ultraschall am gleichen Tier erfasst. Die individuelle Futteraufnahme (DFI), die Anzahl der Besuche (NVD) und die Fresszeit (FTD) wurden ta Èglich mittels eines automatischen Fu È tterungssystems registriert. Um BW, UMB, ULB, DFI, NVD und FTD als eine Funktion des Alters zu beschreiben, wurden polynome Modelle mit zufa Èlligen Regressionskoef®zienten verwendet. Schlachtko È rper-, Fleisch-und Fettqualita Èt wurd...