Purpose: To evaluate the effects of hyperbaric bupivacaine concentration in producing unilateral spinal anaesthesia. Methods: With Ethical Committee approval and written consent, 60 patients undergoing lower limb surgery were placed in the lateral position with the side to be operated on dependent. After dural puncture (25-gauge Whitacre spinal needle), the needle hole was turned toward the dependent side and patients were randomly assigned to receive 8 mg of either 0.5% (Group0.s %, n = 30) or I% (Groupl %, n = 30) hyperbaric bupivacaine. The lateral position was maintained for 15 min, while a blinded observer recorded loss of pinprick sensation and degree of motor block on both sides until two segment regression of sensory level on the dependent side. Results: At the end of the 15 min lateral position spinal anaesthesia was more frequently unilateral in Group0.5 % (80%) than in Groupl % (53%)(P < 0.05). However, 30 min after patients were turned supine, unilateral spinal anaesthesia decreased to 60% of cases in Group0.5 % and 40% of cases in Group~% (P = NS). The maximum sensory level on the dependent side [1-~0 (L ~ -T2)in GrouP0.5% and T 8 (-I-~2 -T3) in Group~, time to reach it [20 (5 -30) min in Group0.5 % and 25 (10 -35) min in Groupt ~, and time to two segment regression of sensory level [80 (30 -135) min in Group0.s%and 75 (20 -135) min in Groupl ~ were similar in both groups. Conclusion: Highly concentrated solutions of hyperbaric bupivacaine are not advantageous in obtaining a unilateral spinal anaesthesia, when a small anaesthetic dose is injected slowly through a Whitacre spinal needle.Object_if : I~valuer les effets de la concentration de bupivaca~ne hyperbare dans la production d'une rachianesthEsie unilat&ale. M~thode : Apr& avoir re~u rapprobation du ComitE d'&hique et une autorisation Ecdte, 60 patients devant subir une chirurgie du membre infErieur ont &E places en position lat&ale, le site opEratoire du c6t~ d&tive, Apr& la ponction de la dure-m&e (aiguille rachidienne Whitacre de calibre 25), la perforation lat&ale de raiguille a EtE orient& vers le c6t~ d&live et le5 patients ont ~t~ rEpartis au hasard afin de recevoir 8 mg de bupivaca~'ne hyperbare 0,5 % (Group%,5 %, n = 30) ou 1% (Groupel% ' n = 30) La position latErale a EtE maintenue pendant 15 min pendant lesquelles un observateur impartial a enregistrE la perte de sensation de piqfire et le degrE de blocage moteur des deux c&& jusqu'~ une regression de deux segments du niveau sensitif sur le c6tE d&live. R~sultats : AprEs ces 15 rain en position latErale, la rachianesth&ie Etait plus souvent unilat&ale dans le Groupe0,s% (80 %) que dans le Groupel%(53 %) (P < 0,05). Cependant, 30 minutes apr~s que les patients ont EtE tourn& en d&ubitus dorsal, la rachianesth&ie unilatErale a diminuE ~. 60 % dans le Groupe0,s% et ~ 40 % dan5 le Groupe i% (P = NS). Ont EtE similaires dans les deux groupes : le niveau sensitif maximal du c6tE dEclive [T IO (L I-T2) darts le Groupeo, s% et T8 (-I-12 -T3) dans le GrouperS, le temps requis pour atteindre ...