DOI: 10.1007/s10533-020-00710-6
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The effects of temperature on soil phosphorus availability and phosphatase enzyme activities: a cross-ecosystem study from the tropics to the Arctic

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Cited by 30 publications
(20 citation statements)
References 50 publications
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“…The transfer from litter to plant-available nutrients requires microbial activity, so why did we detect no increase in microbial activity and soil available P pools with warmer soils and higher substrate inputs? In defence of our methods, soil P enzyme activity consistently increases with temperature according to kinetic theory (Shaw and Cleveland 2020), although meta-analyses indicate this increase is minor for hydrolytic v www.esajournals.org enzymes in systems like ours with low warming magnitude and low mean annual temperatures (Xiao et al 2018). Soil microorganisms in our system did not respond to warming with increased P-acquisition (i.e.…”
Section: Why Do Plant and Litter Changes Not Results In Warming Effects Belowground?mentioning
confidence: 50%
“…The transfer from litter to plant-available nutrients requires microbial activity, so why did we detect no increase in microbial activity and soil available P pools with warmer soils and higher substrate inputs? In defence of our methods, soil P enzyme activity consistently increases with temperature according to kinetic theory (Shaw and Cleveland 2020), although meta-analyses indicate this increase is minor for hydrolytic v www.esajournals.org enzymes in systems like ours with low warming magnitude and low mean annual temperatures (Xiao et al 2018). Soil microorganisms in our system did not respond to warming with increased P-acquisition (i.e.…”
Section: Why Do Plant and Litter Changes Not Results In Warming Effects Belowground?mentioning
confidence: 50%
“…The AKP is the key enzyme in the soil phosphorus cycle and directly affects the effectiveness of soil phosphorus (Shaw et al 2020). Among them, alkaline phosphatase is the key enzyme in the soil phosphorus cycle, and directly affects the availability of soil phosphorus (Shaw et al 2020). The results showed that the soil alkaline phosphatase activity increased rst and then decreased with the increase of phosphorus application rate under the same bacteria treatment (Table 2).…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…At the same time, the soil enzyme activity can re ect the soil biological activity and the soil biochemical reaction intensity (Tischer et al 2014). The AKP is the key enzyme in the soil phosphorus cycle and directly affects the effectiveness of soil phosphorus (Shaw et al 2020). Among them, alkaline phosphatase is the key enzyme in the soil phosphorus cycle, and directly affects the availability of soil phosphorus (Shaw et al 2020).…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…As microbial biomass was shown to be rather constant throughout the year (Holmes and Zak, 1994), seasonal differences can be more likely ascribed to changes in microbial activity or in the composition of the microbial communities (Yan et al, 2017). Apart of the general increase in phosphatase activities with rising temperature (Shaw and Cleveland, 2020), additional physical and biological factors may explain the seasonal differences. Low enzymatic activities in winter could be due to lower phosphomonoesterases production with overall lower biological activity or to a lower P demand or lower N availability in winter (Chen et al, 2003;Margalef et al, 2017).…”
Section: Seasonal Patternsmentioning
confidence: 99%