| Abstract |1 )PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of sciatic nerve mobilization techniques on straight leg raising (SLR) and walking ability in elderly women aged over 65.
METHODS:Seventy women aged over 65 were examined using SLR test and forty women were selected as subjects.They were divided into Group Ⅰ (under 70° of SLR test of both legs, n=20) and Group Ⅱ (over 70° of SLR test of both legs, n=20). Nerve mobilization was applied to both groups (three times a week for 4 weeks). SLR angle was measured using digital goniometer and walking ability was measured by step length, stride length, velocity, double support, using GAITRite System. After 4 weeks, paired t-test was used to compare the changes of SLR test and walking ability within †Corresponding Author : seody0815@naver.com This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0) which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.GroupⅠ and Group Ⅱ.
RESULTS:In Group I, SLR test, step length, stride length and gait velocity were significantly increased but double support was significantly difference. In Group II, SLR test, step length and stride length were significantly increased but gait velocity was not significantly increased and double support was significantly decreased.CONCLUSION: This study showed that sciatic nerve mobilization techniques had positive effects on the SLR angle and walking ability in elderly women.