Accidents on the highway as well as falls have become more common with the expansion of the transportation and construction industries. Patients have traditionally been instructed to use protective weight-bearing during the early rehabilitation phase following a well-fixed distal femoral fracture. Clinical finding: The patient had complained of pain and swelling over the thigh's lateral surface and unable to flex the knee joint and inability to bear weight on left lower limb pain on NPRS 8/10 on movement and on rest 6/10. Diagnosis:The X-ray reveals that comminuted supracondylar femur fracture and the CT report reveal that comminuted displaced fracture in the distal end of the femur, extending to involve lateral, medial condyles, inter condylar region and the articular margin. Conclusion: In this case, the rehabilitation routine helped the patient regain functional independence at home and at work by reducing pain and tenderness while also improving range of motion, muscle strength and endurance.