This investigation was carried out on LO white leghorn chickens, lO-lImon ths old during their laying period. BeJoı'e water deprivation, PC V, total serum cholesterol, body weight and temperature of the chickens to whiclı normal Jeed and ,vater had been given were measured. Af ter these measurements were taken the chickens were deprived of water but normal Jeeding continued. The measurements were repeated on day 6 of water deprivation. BeJore water deprivation PVC was 28. ı %, total serımı cholestef'ol , 148.3 mg / 100 ml, body weight 1.622 kg and the body temperature 40.96 oc. On day 6 of water deprivation these values were 35.9 %, 202.7 mg / 100 ml, 1.410 kg and 40.71 oC respectively. A more detailed look at the results shows that the increase in PCV and total serum cholesterol and the decrease in body weight was signijicant at a level of P