Based on the Malaysian Education Development Plan 2013-2025, the objective of education is to produce knowledgeable and skilled people to succeed in life. Every student must master the skills of reading, writing, counting and high-level thinking skills (Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia, 2013). 21st Century Education aims to equip the skills of students with a variety of skills in preparation for the future. 21st century skills include communication, science, and technology, thinking, interpersonal, reading, counting, and writing skills. It involves cognitive development of the student. Cognitive is the ability of individuals to think, give opinions, understand, remember things that happen in their respective environments. It involves mental activities such as memory, categorizing, planning, reasoning, problem solving, creating, and imagining. Therefore, the ADa module focused on the cognitive development of students with learning disabilities which also practice the 21st century skills that students need. The cognitive development involves cognitive skills that are the ability of pupils to think, give opinions, understand, remember things that happen in their respective environments. It involves mental activities such as memory, categorizing, planning, reasoning, solving problems, creating imagination and others. The ADa module can provide teachers with guidance and reference about aerobic dance intervention for learning disabilities student.