In this article, we study the fundamental ( 𝑓 -)modes of non-rotating compact stars with realistic equations of state (EoS), extracted in the dynamical spacetime using numerical relativity simulations. We use a set of EoS with varying degree of stiffness and numerically evolve perturbed star models for several mass configurations (in the range of 1.2 − 2.0 𝑀 ) for each of these EoS. We find the 𝑓 -mode frequency being lower for the stiffer EoS. We also see the increase in the frequency for higher mass systems as compared to the smaller mass cases. While the increase is linear for 𝑀 ≤ 1.6𝑀 , it shows deviation from linearity with the sharper change and higher values of 𝑓 -modes for some of the EoS for more massive systems. We notice that the frequencies are distinguishable for soft, intermediate and stiffer EoS, thus it might be possible to constraint the EoS based on the detected signal frequency from the binary neutron star merger. More specifically for the softer EoSs, the 𝑓 -mode frequency is in the range of 1.8 − 2.2 kHz for the masses between 1.2 − 1.8𝑀 . On the other hand, in the case of stiffer EoS, such as 'BHB' and 'DD2' frequency is shifted to lower values 1.55 − 1.8 kHz for the same mass range.