The paper considers interrelation between the regularities in the fatigue fracture and inelastic deformation taking into account the material properties, stress gradient and concentration, specimen size, load cycle asymmetry, complex stress state, temperature, loading frequency and conditions, scatter of the test results. Analysis of the data from the literature and results of original investigations has shown that the characteristics of inelasticity, which define nonlocalized fatigue damage, can be used in studies of general regularities of the high-cycle fatigue fracture. Specific results of such analysis are presented.Keywords: high-cycle fatigue, inelasticity, manufacturing, design, and service factors.Introduction. The main characteristic that determines the resistance of metals and alloys to high-cycle fatigue and is used in calculations of strength and service life of machines and structures is a fatigue curve, which represents the relation between variable stresses and the number of cycles to fracture.The fatigue curve is used to determine the fatigue limit equal to the maximum stresses, which the material can withstand without failure during an infinite (≥10 7 ) number of the load cycles, and the stresses corresponding to a given number of the load cycles to fracture.As is shown by numerous investigations [1-10], those fatigue strength characteristics depend on the structure and fabrication technique of the material and components, their design features, operating conditions, and other factors and can differ appreciably for the same material.Along with construction of fatigue curves in the coordinates stress -number of cycles to fracture, in recent years, basing, in the first place, on the results of studying low-cycle fatigue, the relations are considered between variable strains and number of cycles to fracture [11-17, etc.]. When constructing such relationships, it is considered that the total strain amplitude, ε a , consists of the elastic, ε ae , and inelastic, ε ain , components.A more detailed analysis of the strain criteria of fatigue fracture will be made in Part 3. In this paper, most attention, so far as the experimental data permit, is concentrated on the consideration of the possibilities to establish a relationship between the regularities in the fatigue fracture and inelastic deformation, which characterizes nonlocalized fatigue damage under high-cycle fatigue.Early works are known [18][19][20][21][22], where interrelation between the regularities in inelastic deformation, which is characterized by inelastic strains and inelastic strain energy, heating of specimen, damping capacity, etc., and fatigue fracture were studied, primarily, in connection with the development of methods for accelerated determination of the fatigue limit and prediction of life with the account for the influence of various factors.Basic results in those investigations were obtained in testing smooth specimens under simple conditions. With the use of the data from the literature and the results of unique experimental...