We unfold and extend single proteins at a high force and then linearly relax the force to probe their collapse mechanisms. We observe a large variability in the extent of their recoil. Although chain entropy makes a small contribution, we show that the observed variability results from hydrophobic interactions with randomly varying magnitude from protein to protein. This collapse mechanism is common to highly extended proteins, including nonfolding elastomeric proteins like PEVK from titin. Our observations explain the puzzling differences between the folding behavior of highly extended proteins, from those folding after chemical or thermal denaturation. Probing the collapse of highly extended proteins with force spectroscopy allows separation of the different driving forces in protein folding.atomic force microscopy ͉ molecular dynamics ͉ protein folding ͉ single molecule P roteins can reversibly fold from a random coil conformation into a well defined native state, a process constituting a major research area in biology. Traditionally, experiments involved varying the ambient environment, such as changing the temperature or pressure, or using denaturing chemicals. Protein folding probed under these conditions has revealed two-state folding for many small proteins (1-3). Based on such experiments, Wolynes and colleagues proposed that the energy landscape of a collapsing polypeptide is funnel-shaped under folding conditions (4-6). In this scenario, the protein's energy decreases as it forms favorable interactions, thus driving it toward the native state. In the classic folding experiments, as well as in the theoretical models, proteins start in the denatured state from collapsed random coil conformations that are only a few Ångström larger than their native state (7,8). In these conformations, the side chains of the collapsed polypeptide are in close proximity to each other. It is widely accepted that, under such conditions, protein folding is driven mostly by hydrophobic interactions that are finely balanced by entropy (9-11). However, given that the denatured state in these experiments is not well defined, it has proved difficult to separate the hydrophobic, electrostatic, and entropic contributions to protein collapse and folding. We use single-molecule force-clamp spectroscopy to bring proteins to an extended conformation of Ͼ80% of their contour length, where the side chains are separated and exposed to the solvent, and native contact formation is rare (12-14). Thus, proteins are driven to the outer regions of the folding landscape, which have not been explored so far. Studying the collapse of such extended proteins greatly simplifies the folding dynamics, permitting a more direct identification of the major driving forces (11).Highly extended proteins have been routinely described as entropic chains using models of polymer elasticity such as the worm-like chain (WLC) model (15) or the freely rotating chain model (16). In this simplified picture, the collapse of a protein from an extended state is driven by...