An experimental investigation of the heat transfer to surfaces having widely differing catalytic activity in dissociated and partially ionized flows is described. The theory of Goulard is used to show that large deviations in heating rate from the fully catalytic prediction can occur when the product of the body nose radius and stagnation-point pressure (Rp s ) is small. The experimental data agree with Goulard's theory for dissociated flows when the boundarylayer properties and surface catalytic activity are known. Heating-rate measurements in dissociated flows are used with the theory to estimate the catalytic activity of eight surfaces in both nitrogen and air. Heating-rate measurements obtained in partially ionized flows were below those predicted by Fay and Kemp for an equilibrium boundary layer and for a fully catalytic surface in a frozen boundary layer. A theory is not presently available for heat transfer to finite catalytic or noncatalytic surfaces in nonequilibrium ionized flows.
NomenclatureA = area of test model surface on which heating rates were measured, m 2 c p -specific heat at constant pressure, Mjoule/kg °K H = total enthalpy (u m 2 /2) + h, Mjoule/kg /* T h = static enthalpy, I c p dT + ahip + cfo 0 J o &D° = dissociation energy, Mjoule/kg /i/° = ionization energy, Mjoule/kg K = constant in Eq. (9) k w -catalytic reaction rate constant, cm/sec Le = Lewis number M = Mach number m = molecular weight of gas mixture, g/mole ra 0 = molecular weight of undissociated gas, g/mole p = pressure, atm q = heat-transfer rate to surf ace, kW/m 2 R = body nose radius, cm or m /£ eff = effective body nose radius, cm or m (R = universal gas constant n = base radius of body, cm or m Sc = Schmidt number T = temperature, °K u = velocity, m/sec Z = compressibility factor, 1 + a. OL = fraction of molecules dissociated 7 = isentropic exponent j w = recombination efficiency e = fraction of atoms ionized M = viscosity, g/cm sec p = density, g/cm 3