Tank diameter
10Tank diameter (in.)
9.62fles. The exact method or position of tracer addition by Landau and Prochazka was not indicated for all tests, but it was noted by them that a variety of positions of addition as well as diftion with X = 0.05 and the observed t(0.05) data of Biggs is presented in Figure 1. Included in Figure 1 The quantitative description of electrokinetic phenomena requires the use of reliable rate expressions to relate mass fluxes and the concentration, electrical, and pressure driving forces tending to cause mass movement. Present indications are that (7), at least for systems of simple ionic constituents, the linear flux relations of irreversible thermodynamics ( 5 ) are adequate for this purpose. There appear, however, to be very few cases in which the full set of phenomenological coefficients required by these relations has been determined. This is because of the large amount of information required for such a description: n ( n -1)/2 diffusivities and associated activity data for a system of n diffusing species.' The most complete available treatments appear to be those of Spiegler (13) and Mackay and Meares (11).In practice, most experimental investigations have been interpreted on the basis of the much simpler pseudobinary Nernst-Planck equations ( 6 ) , even though these are known to be incapable of providing a complete description of the systems concerned, and even though their use has often led to poor agreement between prediction and experiment (1). They are known to be useful only for correlation of data taken for individual electrokinetic proc-__-* In this paper the membrane is considered to be one of the diffusing species.Vol. 11, No. 1 esses, for example ion exchange (9) or electrodialysis (1 ) .Tests of the usefulness of the NernstPlanck equations are as yet inconclusive, and no generally sound method has been suggested for making such tests. The purpose of this paper is to provide such a method and to demonstrate the need for tests. This is done by rewriting the complete set of linear flux expressions in the form of the Nernst-Planck equations so that the differences between the two sets of flux expressions may be seen clearly. Procedures for testing the NernstPlanck equations are then developed and some examples are given. The approach is similar to that used for estimating pseudo-binary diffusivities in ideal gases.The Nernst-Planck equations are presented in such a wide variety of forms that the use of a single name for all is misleading. In this paper the to infinity.1. It is consistent with the accepted form of Fick's first law for the limiting case of a binary system (2)
4.The introduction of oti, usually considered to be unity or zero in existing correlations of experimental data, will be shown to be useful in the discussion below.A completely analogous set of equations may be written in terms of mass rather than molar quantities, and it is in such an equation that the massaverage velocity is best used.It only remains to put the more reliable flux equations of...