The electrolytically initiated anodic polymerization of indene in the solutions of tetraethylammonium hexachloroantimonate and tetrabutylammonium perchlorate in nitrobenzene under constant electric current and constant potential electrolysis conditions was studied. The polymerization was followed either under continuous electrolysis or by addition of the monomer to the pre-electrolysed solution of the salt. The monomer consumption follows the first-order rate-law, Iog[M]o/[Mlt= kt, and the rate constant of the polymerization increases with increasing current level. The polymer formation was greatly affected by the change of the dielectric constant of the medium, the anode material, and the nature of the supporting electrolyte. The mode of initiation process depends upon the type of the salt. Mechanisms for the initiation reaction were elucidated. *) Part I : cf.').