The kinetics of electrochemical decarboxylation of fornlate ions has been studied in detail for the first time as a model reaction for examination of the decarboxylation and radical coupling that occurs with higher aliphatic acids. Current-potential curves have been obtained which show a sharp transition region, not diffusion controlled, which is characteristic of passivation phenomena. The behavior is observed with gold, palladium, platinum, and goldpalladiun~ alloys. Tafel slopes and exchange currents have been evaluated for the reaction and possible reaction mechanisms are examined in relation to the experimental results.Galvanostatic charging, reverse pulse discharging, and open-circuit decay transients hare been obtained which indicate formation of films of adsorbed intermediates on the surface. The transition regions in the current-potential curves are associated with formation of this ad-layer. The galvanostatic results enable distinctions to be made between some of the possible reaction mechanisms proposed and estimates to be made of the extent of film formation by adsorbed intermediates formed in the reaction.
GESERAL INTRODUCTIONThe follo\virig iritroduction is intended t o cover material presented in this paper and in Parts I1 and 111.Despite the discovery by Kolbe many years ago (I) of a coupliilg reaction a t the anodic electrode during electrolysis of aliphatic carboxylic acids R.COOH t o give derivatives Rz and some oxidation by-products (Hofer-Aloest reaction), rather little is linown of the mechanism of this reaction froin a fundamental electrochemical point of view, e.g, with regard t o the primary anodic step (see ref. 2, p. 398). The reaction has been the subject of organic chemical studies for many years, including uses for chain extension of semiesters of dicarboxylic acids, dimerization of certain compounds, and other modifications of the reaction which have been adequately reviewed (2) in the literature of organic chemistry.111 this present series of papers , it is the aim to examine the basic electrochemical behavior of reactions involving anodic decarboxylation by choosing, initially, two systems in which side reactions are minimized, so that the electrochemical kinetics of a single reaction can be studied. In the first case we exanlirle the mechanism of the apparently simplest anodic decarboxylation that can occur, viz., that of formic acid or the formate ion. No other papers have evidently been published previously on the electrochemical kinetics of this reaction, and other work (e.g. ref.3) has been concerned only with the problem of coulombic yields of COz a t the anode, the absence of hydrogen as an anodic product, and the productio~l of hydrogen a t the cathode. This reaction is ideally suited for electrochemical study since ( a ) the reaction pathway is very largely the simple decarboxylation to give hydrogen ions and carbon dioxide, and (b) the reaction is an essential model reaction for studies on the Kolbe reaction itself. I t is also of interest in relation to the fue...