O comportamento eletroquímico de ligas amorfas Ni-Co em soluções de carbonato/bicarbonato foi investigado usando espectroscopia de impedância eletroquímica combinada com voltametria e técnicas de polarização estacionárias. Os resultados indicam que a cinética do processo de dissolução é dependente do pH e da força iônica da solução eletrolítica. A composição do metal vítreo é um fator importante na determinação dos parâmetros cinéticos envolvidos no complexo comportamento eletroquímico desses materiais.The elec tro chem i cal be hav ior of amor phous Ni-Co al loys in car bon ate/bi car bon ate so lutions was in ves ti gated us ing elec tro chem i cal im ped ance spec tros copy com bined with voltammetry and sta tion ary po lar iza tion tech niques. The re sults in di cate that the ki net i cs of the dis so lu tion pro cesses are de pend ent on the pH and ionic strength of the elec tro lyte. The co m posi tion of the glassy metal is an im por tant fac tor in de ter min ing the ki netic pa ram e ters in volved in the com plex elec tro chem i cal be hav ior of these ma te ri als.
Key words: im ped ance spec tros copy, glassy met als, Ni-Co al loys
In tro duc tionNi-Co amor phous al loys pres ent an electrocatalytic activ ity on the OER in al ka line so lu tion which is higher than that of their crys tal line coun ter parts 1-8, and ref er ence therein . The use of these ma te ri als re quires a sat is fac tory re sis tance to gen eral and lo cal ized cor ro sion. It has been found 9 that the cor ro sion be hav ior of dif fer ent polycrystalline Ni-Co alloys is a func tion of al loy com po si tion.A cor ro sion study of Ni-Co based glassy met als in carbon ate-bicarbonate so lu tions at pH 8.9 showed that the disso lu tion pro cesses are de pend ent on the ionic strength of the elec tro lyte 10 . The pres ent study was un der taken in or der to eval u ate the in flu ence of the pH and ionic strength of the elec tro lyte, as well as the al loy com po si tion, on the cor ro sion be hav ior of a glassy Ni-based al loy (Vitrovac 0080), and to com pare these re sults with Ni-Co based al loys.
Ex per i men talAmor phous al loys (Vakuumschmelze GmbH, Hanau) with the com po si tions Vitrovac 0080 (Ni 78 B14 Si 8), G15 (Ni 58 Co 20 B12 Si 10 ) and G16(Ni 25 Co 50 B10 Si 15 ), were employed as the work ing elec trodes. A con ven tional three-compartment glass cell was used with a large area Pt coun ter elec trode and a cal o mel ref er ence elec trode. Po tentials in the text are re ferred to the nor mal hy dro gen electrode (NHE) scale.Elec tro chem i cal im ped ance spec tros copy (EIS) combined with steady-state cur rent den sity/po ten tial (j/E) curves, and sin gle (STPS) and re pet i tive (RTPS) tri an gu lar po ten tial sweeps, were per formed un der pu ri fied N 2 gas sat u ra tion in the fol low ing so lu tions: x M KHCO 3 + y M K2CO 3 (0.75 ≤ x ≤ 2.5; 0.05 ≤ y ≤ 0.5), cov er ing the 8.3-10.5 pH range at 25 °C.Ar ti cle