This contribution is both a review of different aspects of X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy that can help one determine U oxidation states and a personal perspective on how to effectively model the X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy of complicated mixed-valence U phases. After a discussion of the valence band, the focus lingers on the U4f region, where the use of binding energies, satellite structures, and peak shapes is discussed in some detail. Binding energies were shown to be very dependent on composition/structure and consequently unreliable guides to oxidation state, particularly where assignment of composition is difficult. Likewise, the spin orbit split 4f 7/2 and 4f 5/2 peak shapes do not carry significant information on oxidation states. In contrast, both satellite-primary peak binding energy separations, as well as intensities to a lesser extent, are relatively insensitive to composition/structure within the oxide-hydroxide-hydrate system and can be used to both identify and help quantify U oxidation states in mixed valence phases. An example of the usefulness of the satellite structure in constraining the interpretation of a complex multivalence U compound is given. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.Keywords: XPS; uranium; oxidation states
IntroductionOne of the great strengths of X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy ( XPS) is its ability to elucidate the valence state of a wide range of elements at the near-surface of materials. Although many features of interest concern bulk properties, it is the surface and the near-surface that has immediate contact with its surroundings and consequently mediates most reactions. With the renewed interest in nuclear energy, characterizing the surface composition and chemical state of actinide-containing materials is important for both industrial applications and understanding the fate and transport of actinides in the environment. This perspective article is focused on uranium as the data set is by far the most comprehensive of all the actinides where an appreciable literature on the XPS of U compounds dates back to the beginnings of the commercialization of XPS in the 1970s. For an early paper on the XPS of a broad range of actinide oxides we refer the reader to Veal et al.[1] A basic understanding of XPS principles is assumed throughout and will not be reviewed.On one level, determining oxidation states with XPS would appear to be a simple exercise of comparing the binding energies (BEs) of core levels to well characterized standards; so why bother? However, interpreting the oxidation states of samples with mixed valence, unknown structures, and complicated or different compositions can pose a challenge, as with any analytical technique. In fact, composition can strongly affect uranium core-level BEs and potentially confuse the determination of oxidation states. For example, perhaps one is working in an oxidizing system and only expects U(VI), yet the U4f 7/2 line has a peak at 382.0 eV and a shoulder at 380.5 eV. Does the shoulder represent a reduced species, po...