The following wavelength doubling cascade from a uniform state to a turbulent pattern is observed in a 3D anisotropic liquid: First oscillating convective rolls followed by a stationary stripe pattern, then Möbius defect creation stabilizing an unusual curved roll pattern that eventually becomes turbulent. Once created, Möbius defects are topologically trapped and the initial uniform state is not recovered. The system experimentally investigated is electroconvection above a highly nonlinear base state.[S0031-9007(98)07240-8] PACS numbers: 47.54. + r, 05.70.Ln, 61.30.Gd One of the many reasons for the growing interest [1][2][3] in patterns formed and the onset of turbulence in 3D anisotropic liquids is that they reveal by controlled experiments the intricate interplay between spatial and temporal order. In particular, in the 3D anisotropic liquids, liquid crystals [4], and superfluid 3 He [5], the interplay between flow fields and the orientational ordering field generates qualitative and quantitative information relevant to deep insights in natural laws derived from nonlinear field theories [6].The subharmonic (wavelength doubling) cascade, described here for the first time ( Fig. 1) and not predicted by any theory, shows a new route to spatiotemporal disorder in an orientationally ordered liquid. The orientational order has complete rotational freedom in planes perpendicular to the driving force. Two remarkable consequences of this freedom are traveling rolls built on a highly nonlinear base state and orientational order that consistently evades containment in vortex flow shear planes Ќ to the roll axes, R. A line of roll disclinations with the same topological charge spontaneously forms to finally lock the orientational order ЌR. The result is an unusual curved roll pattern that we call the Zvinger pattern, in analogy to a cage for wild animals, as the orientational order rotates 2p in a Zvinger wavelength, l Z . When the external driving force is removed from Zvingers, a state with a length scale emerges that coarsens extremely slowly to the uniform state by defect motion (Fig. 2).This novel cascade is observed in a nematic liquid crystal [7]. In many organic materials, a nematic phase intervenes between the isotropic liquid and other more ordered thermodynamic phases. It is characterized by long range orientational order in a preferred direction,n. Asn is not polar, its only line defect is a 6p rotation ofn around a singular line. As a 6p rotation is used to create the "endless" surface of a Möbius band, Frank has called them Möbius disclinations [8].Möbius disclinations, Möbions, have a topological charge S 61͞2 because in a circuit around the defect line, n rotates 6p S 3 2p. Viewed along its line between crossed polarizers, S 61͞2 disclinations are characterized by two black "brushes" whenn is parallel to either the polarizer or the analyzer. For a Möbion, this occurs twice in one circuit (e.g., Fig. 2). Because the elastic energy diverges at the singular line, Möbions are usually not observed. Rather, ...