The iso‐electric points (i.e.p.) and the points of zero charge (p.z.c.) of alumina coated rutile pigments have been determined using potentiometric titrations and electrophoresis techniques. The alumina coated rutiles all had a p.z.c. close to pH9. The i.e.p. of coatings precipitated in an alkaline medium were close to pH7, while those of coatings precipitated in acid media were around pH5. The discrepancy between the values of the i.e.p. and the p.z.c. is thought to have arisen because the electrophoresis technique measures only the charge on the outer alumina coating, while the i.e.p. (found by titration) is a combination of charge properties of both the alumina and the underlying rutile (i.e.p. 3.7). It is suggested that the pigments whose coatings were precipitated in an alkaline medium have the higher i.e.p. because the alumina shields the rutile more effectively than does alumina that was precipitated in acid media.