. Can. J . Chem. 65, 1845Chem. 65, (1987. The apparent twofold barriers to rotation about the exocyclic C-C bonds in ArCH2X (X = SH, SMe, S(O)Me, S02Me) compounds have been determined in CS, and in benzene-d6, from the magnitudes of long-range proton-proton coupling constants. The work extends earlier studies of the systems X = F, C1. Except for X = F, all of the title compounds have a low energy conformation in which the C-X bond is perpendicular to the plane of the benzene ring. The introduction of two meta-chlorine substituents leads to a 2 kJ/mol relative destabilization of this structure for X = F, C1, SH. The trend in the rotational barriers associated with the sulfur substituents is SH, SMe < < S(O)Me, S02Me. Ab initio calculations, with geometry optimization at the STO-3G level for X = F, C1, SH, reproduce the experimental results, and also the magnitudes of the rotational barriers. Quantitative PMO analyses of these a b initio wavefunctions have been employed to distinguish between "steric" and "other" interpretations, and reveal that the preferred conformation of X = F is determined by a first order perturbational effect, manifested in an electrostatic attraction between the heteroatom and a syn-periplanar ortho-hydrogen. For X = C1, the PMO analysis suggests that a T T~, -u & interaction, analogous to the n -~:~ interaction postulated as the origin of the anomeric effect in heterocyclohexanes, plays a dominant role. For X = SH, both T T~~-~:~ and ucx-n:, interactions are found; the latter is not possible in the anomeric effect itself. It is concluded that a benzylic anomeric effect exists, and that its magnitude, as a function Chem. 65, 1845Chem. 65, (1987.Utilisant les amplitudes des constantes de couplage proton-proton i longue distance, on a dCterminC les barrikres binaires apparentes 21 la rotation autour des liaisons exocycliques C-C des composCs ArCH2X (X = SH, SMe, S(0)Me et S0,Me) dans le CS2 et dans le benzene-d6. Ces Ctudes sont une extension d'etudes anttrieures sur des systkmes dans lesquels X = F et C1. Except6 pour le cas oB X = F, tous les composCs mentionnCs dans le titre prtsentent une conformation de basse Cnergie dans laquelle la liaison C-X est perpendiculaire au plan du noyau benzCnique. L'introduction de deux chlores en positions me'ta conduit a une distabilisation relative de 2 kJ/mol de cette structure pour X = F, C1 et SH. Cette tendance dans les barrikres rotationnelles associCes avec les substituants contenant du soufre est la suivante : SH. SMe << S(O)Me, S02Me. Des calculs a b initio impliquant des optimisations de la gComCtrie au niveau STO-3G ont CtC rCalisCs sur les composCs contenant X = F, C1 et SH et ils permettent de reproduire les resultats expkrimentaux ainsi que les amplitudes des barrikres a la rotation. On a utilisC des analyses quantitatives PMO de ces fonctions d'onde a b initio pour distinguer entre les interpretations ste'riques et antres; ces analyses rCvklent que la conformation privilCgiCe pour X = F est dCterminCe par un effet de perturbation du pre...