Can. J. Chem. 72,737 (1994). The 365 nm pulsed laser photolysis of nitrosyl chloride adsorbed on a rough MgO(100) surface at 90 K has been studied. Mass spectrometric detection was used to record time-of-flight (TOF) spectra by monitoring Cl' and NO' . These ions can derive from parent ClNO, which fragments completely in the mass spectrometer, as well as from C1 and NO photofragments. The TOF distributions are considerably slower than for the corresponding gas phase photodissociation process. NO was also detected state selectively by using resonance enhanced multiphoton ionization (REMPI), and a channel corresponding to direct adsorbate photolysis was identified. The state selective detection of NO molecules that emerge from the surface following photolysis shows unambiguously that their rotational degrees of freedom reflect the surface temperature (Trot = 100-140 K), even at low coverages. At similar photolysis wavelengths, gas phase ClNO photodissociation is known to produce highly rotationally excited NO with a distinctive non-statistical distribution peaked at J" = 46.5. Our studies suggest that, contrary to the gas-phase photolysis results, C1 and NO are not ejected rapidly following photolysis of surface-bound species on a repulsive potential energy surface. We postulate that ClNO grows in islands, with MgO defect sites serving as nucleation centers. Photofragment rotational and translational excitations are quenched efficiently due to strong attractive interactions that equilibrate NO to the surface temperature. Desorption of intact ClNO may also take place, but following (i.e., not during) the photolysis pulse. Such desorbed species can contribute to the TOF spectra, but not the REMPI spectra.L. HODGSON, G. ZIEGLER, H. FERKEL, H. REISLER et C. WIT~IG. Can. J. Chem. 72,737 (1994).OpCrant B 90 K, on a CtudiC la photolyse B 365 nm, par laser pulsC, du chlorure de nitrosyle adsorb6 sur du MgO(100) rugueux.On a utilisC la detection par spectromCtrie de masse en temps de vol (TOF) pour dCtecter le C1' et le NO' . Ces ions peuvent provenir du ClNO parent qui se fragmente completement dans le spectre de masse ainsi que des photofragments Cl et NO. Les distributions dans les spectres en TOF sont beaucoup plus lentes que dans le cas du processus correspondant de photodissociation en phase gazeuse. On a aussi dCtectC ~Clectivement divers Ctats du NO en faisant appel B la rksonance par ionisation multiphotonique amCliorCe (REMPI) et on a identifit un canal correspondant B une photolyse directe de la substance adsorbee. La detection selective d'ttats des molCcules de NO qui Cmergent de la surface B la suite de la photolyse dtmontre sans ambigu'itC que leurs degres de libertC de rotation sont des reflets de la tempCrature B la surface (Trot = 100-140 K), mEme B de faibles taux de couverture. A des longueurs d'onde de photolyse semblables, il est connu que la photodissociation en phase gazeuse de ClNO conduit h du NO dont l'excitation rotationnelle est ClevCe et qui prCsente une distribution non-statistique distinctive...