The occurrence of polyanions in a group of liquid ionic alloys, viz. alloys of the alkali metals with 13, 14, 15 and 16 elements (post-transition-metal groups 3, 4, 5 and 6), is discussed. It is shown that there are strong parallels with the corrresponding crystalline phases, in which polyanions such as (Pb 4 ) 4− , (Sb − ) ∞ and (Te 2 ) 2− exist, known for a long time as 'Zintl ions'. Little evidence exists for remnants of the diamond-lattice-type Zintl ion in liquid alkali-group-13 alloys, but in the alloys of Tl with K, Rb and Cs very long-range superstructures have been found, which are related to the occurrence of large, compact, polyhedral clusters in many crystalline phases.A stability rule, first proposed by Geertsma, relating the stability of the polyanions to the size of the cations, is universally observed. Furthermore it is shown that the range of the superstructure in the liquid is with remarkable precision proportional to the intercluster distance in the corresponding solids.The interpretation of the experimental data in terms of polyanion formation is discussed critically. There remains a paradox. Some sharp experimental features (superstructure peaks and maxima in the resistivities and stability functions) seem to indicate that the Zintl ions in the liquid are near perfect whereas specific heat results and ab initio computer simulations clearly show that the structure of the liquid is seriously blurred.