Thermoluminescence (TL) of CaO and CaO-Bi monocrystals VUV-irradiated at 80 K or X-irradiated at 4.2 K is reported. Varying the energy of VUV-irradiation, the TL creation spectra (TLCS) of various peaks are derived. From the analysis of these spectra it is concluded that in the excitation spectrum of CaO indirect transitions may play an important role already from E,,, = 6.5 eV. Long-lived phosphorescence, as well as low-temperature TL peaks at 20, 37, and ~5 0 K of X-irradiated CaO and CaO-Bi monocrystals at LHeT are observed. The observed phosphorescence is interpreted as a tunneling recombination between holes and electrons, trapped, respectively, by cation vacancies (V centers) and unidentified donor centers, thermal destruction of which takes place at -50 K. A3MepeHa TepMOnEOMHHeC4eHuHX (Tn) MOHOKpHCTanJIOB CaO H CaO-Bi, 06JIyYeHHbIX BY@-PanHauHefi A PeHTRHOBCKAMH JIyYaMA IIpH 80 H 4,2 ! & COOTBeTCTBeHHO. n3 aHaJIH3a CIIeKTpOB CO3flaHHII pa3HblX IIAKOB Tfl CJ(eJIaH BbIBOA 0 CyIIJCcTBeHHOfi POJIH HeIIpXMbIX IIepeXOnOB B CaO YXte C Eso3,j = 6,5 ev. GnX 06JIyYeHHbIX IIPH 4,2 K KpHCTailJIOB CaO M CaO-Bi 06HapyXeHbI AO;ITOXH-ByI4aX @Oc@OpeC~eHuHX IIpH 4,6eV H pan HH3KOTeMIIepaTypHbIX IIHKOB T n IIpH 20, 37 H 50K. 06HapyXeHHaX @OC@OpeC~eHuHX HHTepIIpeTHpOBaHa KaK TyHHeJIbHaX peKOM6HHauHOHHaX JIEOMHHeC-UeH4Afl AbIPOK H 3JIeKTpOHOB, 3aXBaYeHHbIX, COOTBCTCTBeHHO, Ha KaTHOHHbIX BaKaHCAXX (V-LICHTPM) H Ha HeHJ(eHTH~HUAp0BaHHbIX flOHOPHbIX UeHTpaX, TepMHqeCKOe pa3pylIIeHAe KOTOPbIX IIpOHcXOAHT n p~ 50 K.