Fw0 Ilieasures ;LIT 11i:ecl~d to de~crihe ln~~nlerici~llp the csctivi t y of t h e interiiodal cam1)iuan ill terms of a~lnuaH increnlc~it. 7' 11ese are "specilic wood volrt~lle i~i c r e m~~l t " , a measure of ;~cl t IiCl t oelr ~~i-o(-etlelr-t>s clrld conce~jts n-ere ~I C B I I~ put to the test i 11 illd~xg,cli i~itc-~lsi\.c. I;iiicl will 1 )~ rrelcdetl to ;\c.bic\~c. a falllj, s,ltisf;~c.tor)~ cl:~rific.atio~l of c.vtlia tht> ~r~c'hiiic.~rl ~)i-o%,lc~~ns iiivcslvt~ci iii growtkr studicls oh' this ch,ir;lctcr.In the coursc oi oalr \vtsrl< ~v c a-otlltf 11ot fail to IIC 11111)r~ss~cI 1)). thy cll~iiostirlc-rcclible f,lc-t that tlaoelgha trecLs of geomet ric,ll li;lL,it suc.11 as Y. re~i71u.s(1 it'0111(1 :lpl)car to be ;LIB1OIlg the most ile:~rlj~ idc,~l of livi~ng orgalrisms i l l 1vhic.h t o exanii~ne problems of biologic.:rl growth, j 7 t ' t , the cliornlous litor,~t ur-c1 of t n-c.e growth has c.oriti.ibtiteti little or ~l o t h i~i g to the c o~-a~~) a r ;~t i \~e st url!. of gro~vtla.'I'he reasolr for this wc-~~lld seer...