-Isolated reports of a possible positive effect of anti-coagulant drugs, among them heparin, warfarin and acenocumarol, in migraine prophylaxis are found in the literature. We report the case of a 37 years old man suffering from refractory chronic cluster headache that presented remission with the administration of warfarin for the treatment of deep venous thrombosis associated to arterial thrombosis. We did not found any case like that in the literature.KEY WORDS: cluster headache, warfarin.Remissão de cefaléia em salvas crônica refratária após administração de varfarina: relato de caso RESUMO -Alguns relatos isolados na literatura referem-se a um possível efeito profilático de drogas anticoagulantes, entre elas a heparina, varfarina e acenocumarol na profilaxia da migrânea. Apresentamos o caso de um homem de 37 anos com cefaléia em salvas crônica refratária que obteve remissão total das crises após a administração de varfarina para o tratamento de trombose venosa e arterial. Não encontramos nenhum relato semelhante na literatura consultada.
PALAVRAS-CHAVE: cefaléia em salvas, varfarina.Isolated reports of a possible positive effect of anticoagulant drugs, among them heparin, warfarin and acenocumarol, in migraine prophylaxis [1][2][3][4][5] are found in the literature. We do not know references to a prophylactic action of these same drugs on cluster headache. We report the case of a patient suffering from chronic cluster headache, up to this point refractory to the treatment and that presented remission with the administration of warfarin for the treatment of deep venous thrombosis associated to arterial thrombosis.
CASEA 37 years old white man, salesman, searched medical care due to headache complaint, for the first time, on December 1997. At that time, he reported that the headache had started about two months ago and, since then, he experienced pain with a frequency of one to two crises a day. Headache was described as very strong, obligating the patient to interrupt all and any activity. The pain was invariably located on the left orbit, periorbital and temporal regions, and never changed side. During crises, the patient used to be unquiet, walking around, with the hand open against the painful eye. Together with the headache, the patient presented conjunctival injection, eyelid ptosis, nasal congestion and excessive tearing, only on the pain side. These manifestations lasted a time varying from 45 min to 120 minutes. About a third of pain crises occurred during the sleeptime, awakening the patient. The patient was previously healthy and never presented a similar picture before. He also had never been subjected to recurring headache. Neurological examination revealed only a left Horner's syndrome. Blood pressure was normal (130 X 80 mmHg).Because a so characteristic manifestation, the diagnosis of cluster headache was established and treatment was started with a course of prednisone (60 mg/day) and verapamil (240 mg/day). In order to abort the crises, we gave a prescription of subcutaneous sumatri...