From the traditional organizational perspective, leadership is to influence someone or to empower someone or who has followers. By doing so, someone can translate any vision into a reality by maximizing other efforts to achieve the goal.Local leadership is all these but in any given local context. If there is no leader in a locality, then there is no one who can speak for the local community (Sanderson and Palson 1939). Many local communities face different kinds of challenges due to changes in the economy, climate, population, government policy, etc. Some people in those communities play an essential role in navigating those challenges that erupt from time to time or influence the local people to work together for the community (Zaccaro et al. 2004;Collinson 2011;Etuk et al. 2013). Local leaders who are living within the community genuinely care about helping the community people. In regard to influencing the local people, they have a significant impact on that (Hall et al. 2020). Local potential leaders are authorities of local government institutions, school superintendents/ teachers, religious leaders, business leaders, local bureaucrats, political party leaders, and others.