Oxygen migration in silicon corresponds to an apparently simple jump between neighboring bridge sites. Yet extensive theoretical calculations have so far produced conflicting results and have failed to provide a satisfactory account of the observed 2.5 eV activation energy. We report a comprehensive set of first-principles calculations that demonstrate that the seemingly simple oxygen jump is actually a complex process involving coupled barriers and can be properly described quantitatively in terms of an energy hypersurface with a "saddle ridge" and an activation energy of ϳ2.5 eV. Earlier calculations correspond to different points or lines on this hypersurface. PACS numbers: 66.30.Jt, 31.15.Ar, 81.60.Cp Oxygen in silicon has long been known to occupy a bridge position between neighboring Si atoms, with an Si-O-Si configuration similar to those in SiO 2 [1,2]. Its diffusion, measured to have an activation energy of 2.5 eV [3], is generally believed to consist of simple jumps between neighboring bridge positions on the (110) plane defined by the corresponding Si-Si bonds ( Fig. 1). In terms of the angle u O defined in Fig. 1, the midpoint of the jump is at u O 90 ± .Most calculations to date [4-8] assumed such a simple adiabatic jump, with reflection symmetry about the vertical axis shown in Fig. 1. Thus, the saddle point was assumed to have the O atom at u O 90 ± and the central Si atom at u Si 90 ± . The remaining degrees of freedom and the positions of the other Si atoms were determined by total-energy minimization. The resulting total energy, measured from the energy of the equilibrium configuration, represents the adiabatic activation energy for diffusion. Some authors [4,5] reported activation energies around 2.5 eV, while others [6-8] reported smaller values ranging from 1.2 to 2.0 eV.In Ref.[8], Needels et al. found a value of 1.8 eV and attributed the discrepancy with experiment to dynamical phenomena, i.e., the neighboring Si atoms do not relax fully along the O trajectory. They reported model dynamical calculations for a "generic" nonadiabatic path in which the O atom was given an initial "kick," i.e., an initial velocity corresponding to a kinetic energy of 2.0, 2.3, or 2.7 eV. They found that when the kick energy was ,2.5 eV, the O atom went past the saddle point but then returned to the original bridge position. When the kick was .2.5 eV the O atom migrated to the next bridge site. They concluded that their results suggested that dynamical effects are important in O migration, but did not constitute definitive evidence.In a recent paper, Jiang and Brown (JB) [9] sought to resolve the issue by exploring the entire migration path. They performed total-energy minimizations by stepping the oxygen atom from one bridge site to the next. They found that the total energy attains a value of only ϳ1.2 eV at u O 90 ± , but then keeps rising to a maximum value (saddle point) of ϳ2.5 eV at u O 113 ± . In addition, they computed the diffusion constant and found it to agree very well with experiment over 12 dec...