AbstrakPenelitian ini membahas tentang identitas dan representasi bahasa visual Black Metal Istiqomah dalam melihat negosiasi yang terjadi di dalamnya. Lebih lanjut, negosiasi yang dimaksud antara identitas keagamaan dan hibriditas dalam performativitas visualitas dari Black Metal Istiqomah. Pengamatan dan penelusuran dilakukan dengan mengidentifikasi zine Black Metal Istiqomah di akun Instagram @blackmetalistiqomah melalui tiga karya komik strip berjudul “Komik Gelap”, “HP Menurutku, Menurutmu”, dan “Absolution”. Analisis negosiasi black metal dan Islam yang mengkonstruksi identitas akan dibedah melalui tanda verbal dan visual pada elemen visual dengan pendekatan semiotik oleh Roland Barthes, dan untuk melihat fenomena sosial ini digunakan teori performatif dari konsep hibriditas Richard Schechner terkait dengan Zine Black Metal Istiqomah. Black Metal Istiqomah sejak awal merupakan wujud identitas yang melekat pada karyanya. Ekspansinya menjadi brand fashion dan merchandise menjadi penanda identitas yang awalnya terkonstruksi dalam zine Black Metal Istiqomah, yang mulai diterima sebagai bentuk representasi diri bagi para penggemar yang memiliki cita-cita yang sama dengan Black Metal Istiqomah. Kata Kunci: Black Metal Istiqomah, hibriditas, negosiasi identitas keagamaan, performativitas visual Abstract This study discusses the identity and visual language representation of Black Metal Istiqomah in seeing the negotiations that occur in it. Furthermore, the intended negotiation between religious identity and hybridity in the visual performativity of Black Metal Istiqomah. Observations and searches were carried out by identifying the Black Metal Istiqomah zine on the @blackmetalistiqomah Instagram account through three comic strip work entitled "Komik Gelap", "HP According to You, and "Absolution". Analysis began with the negotiation of black metal and Islam that constructs identity. It will be dissected through verbal and visual signs on visual elements with a semiotic approach by Roland Barthes, and to see this social phenomenon using performative theory from Richard Schechner's concept of hybridity related to the Black Metal Istiqomah zine. Black Metal Istiqomah, from the beginning, is a form of identity attached to his work. Its expansion into a fashion brand and merchandise has become an identity marker initially constructed in the Black Metal Istiqomah zine, which began to be accepted as a form of self-representation for fans with the same ideals as Black Metal Istiqomah. Keywords: Black Metal Istiqomah, hybridity, religious identity negotiation, visual performativity