Believing in conspiracy theories often serves as a coping mechanism to alleviate uncertainty and regain a sense of control during crises like the Covid-19 pandemic. However, the proliferation of conspiracy beliefs during this pandemic has led to adverse consequences, including an upsurge in Covid-19 vaccine hesitancy. This study aims to examine the relationship between conspiracy beliefs and Covid-19 vaccine hesitancy among the Acehnese populace. Employing a quantitative approach with the correlation method, this research selected Banda Aceh, Aceh Besar, and Sabang through one-stage cluster sampling. A total of 396 adult respondents registered for the Covid-19 vaccine in Aceh participated. The study employed modified versions of the Adolescent Conspiracy Beliefs Questionnaire (ACBQ) and the Adult Vaccine Hesitancy Scale (AVHS) instruments. The findings, revealed through Pearson correlation analysis, unveiled a significant link between conspiracy beliefs and vaccine hesitancy (p = 0.000, r = 0.411). This indicates that higher conspiracy beliefs correspond with elevated levels of Covid-19 vaccine hesitancy among the Acehnese population. In essence, conspiracy beliefs play a pivotal role in shaping vaccine hesitancy behaviors within the Acehnese community. The implications of this research underscore the necessity for enhanced educational endeavors, transparent communication, and vigilant monitoring of social media content to heighten public awareness and engagement in government-sponsored vaccination initiatives.