In Experiment 1, rats received a session of 80 inescapable tail shocks or no shocks while restrained in a tube. During tests of conditioned defensive burying 24 h later, the bedding of the chamber contained odors from either stressed or nonstressed conspecific donor rats. Following a single prod shock, subjects that had had prior shocks or that were tested with the stress odors spent significantly less time burying the prod, made smaller piles of bedding, and displayed more freezing behavior. The combination of prior shock and stress odors during later testing enhanced these effects. In Experiment 2, a yoked group of rats that was given inescapable shocks, in contrast to a group that had wheel-turn escape training and one that was restrained but not shocked, later showed significantly less burying and more freezing when tested for defensive burying with stress odors present. In both experiments the duration of burying and the heights of piles were positively correlated, and both of these measures were negatively correlated with freezing. The demonstrated capacity of unconditioned stress odors to mediate different degrees offear, depending upon the controllability of prior shock, is related to other studies of learned helplessness, and the predominance offreezing over burying is discussed in terms of various types of defensive strategies, stimulus-control processes, and the author's stress-coping-fear-defense (SCFD) theory.