the majority of oligomeric proteins form clusters which have rotational or dihedral symmetry. Despite the many advantages of symmetric packing, protein oligomers are only nearly symmetric, and the origin of this phenomenon is still in need to be fully explored. Here we apply near-symmetry analyses by the continuous Symmetry Measures methodology of protein homomers to their natural state, namely their structures in solution. NMR-derived structural data serves us for that purpose. We find that symmetry deviations of proteins are by far higher in solution, compared to the crystalline state; that much of the symmetry distortion is due to amino acids along the interface between the subunits; that the distortions are mainly due to hydrophilic amino acids; and that distortive oligomerization processes such as the swap-domain mechanism can be identified by the symmetry analysis. Most of the analyses were carried out on distorted C 2-symmetry dimers, but C 3 and D 2 cases were analyzed as well. our nMR analysis supports the idea that the crystallographic B-factor represents non-classical crystals, in which different conformers pack in the crystal, perhaps from the conformers which the NMR analysis provides. The majority of proteins which form oligomers are organized in quaternary structures which are symmetric at least to some degree 1-3. The most prevalent symmetry point-groups of these oligomers are the cyclic C n and the dihedral D n symmetries. The symmetric assembly of the oligomeric subunits leads to various advantages over asymmetric structure or monomeric form. These include coding efficiency and reduction of synthetic errors, cooperative regulation, increase in stability and formation of lower-energy structures, and minimization of excessive aggregation 2-7. Interestingly, despite these many functional advantages of the symmetric packing, the vast majority of protein oligomers are only nearly symmetric 2,4-6,8-11 , that is, although many oligomeric proteins are classified as 'symmetric' , there are conformational differences between the sequence-identical subunits 2,11. Understanding the origin and role of the asymmetry, is critical for understanding protein functions. In a recent review, Goodsell highlighted the issues around the near symmetry of biological functions in general, and proteins in particular, and pointed to evolutionary processes as lead to symmetry at some degree 1. The distortion from perfect symmetry of proteins is related to several issues, among them are functionality of the protein, thermodynamic considerations, such as enthalpy, entropy and the constant motion of the protein, the asymmetric environment that surrounds the protein, the mechanism of oligomerization, and even experimental conditions 1,9,11-14. Symmetric proteins and their imperfection, have been an ongoing research and some recent studies include global motion patterns of symmetric proteins 15 , how symmetry can compound the effect of point mutations and trigger uncontrolled self-assembly into high-order structures 16 , and how ...