The ability of methylly~conitine (MLA) to inhibit the binding of ezsI~-bungarotoxin to rat brain membranes, frog and human muscle extracts and the human muscle cell line TE671 has been measured. MLA showed a markedly higher affinity for the rat brain site (Ki 1.4 x IO* M) than for the muscle receptors (4 1O-s-1O-6 M). Structure modelling techniques were used to fit the structure of MLA to a nicotinic pharmacophore model. MLA is the first low molecular weight ligand to be shown to discriminate between muscle nicotinic receptors and their a-bungarotoxinbinding counterpart in the brain, and as such may be a useful structural probe for pursuing the structural and functional properties of the neuronal protein.Methylly~~onitine; Nicotinic receptor; Brain a-bungarotoxin binding site; Nicotinic pharmacoph&z