During recent years organic viticulture has been developing in the leading viticulture countries worldwide. The organic viticulture has been defined as the application of procedures of organic agriculture in view of increasing the production of top quality grape and wine. All the aspects of the organic viticulture such as cultivating and maintaining the soil, ground cover plants and weed control, balanced nutrition of grapevine, growing systems, disease and pest control are carried out in view of increasing the quality and health safety of wine and table varieties. When making a choice of a cultivar, there are two key factors: an economic indicator-market perspective and characteristics of a cultivar. Traditional varieties are in advantage in comparison to newly created ones, new preparations, improved computerised forecast models contribute to the efficient protection from disease and pests. New I.C./PIWI varieties must show tolerance to low winter temperatures and/or spring frosts, real commercial value through the quality of fruit, wine, juice or table grapes, tolerance to diseases and pests, balanced relationship between fruit and wood ripening. The aim of this paper is to present organic viticulture through integral agroecosystem and traditionally applied procedures in viticulture