The morbidity of schistosomiasis mansoni in the Hijaz highlands was investigated in relation to the intensity of infection among a group of 162 patients. Of these, 58.6% showed light infection, 26.52% moderate infection, and only 14.9% heavy infection. The morbidity parameters in these patients were compared to a normal noninfected group of 161 persons residing in Jeddah (nonendemic area). Fatigue, abdominal pain, and constipation occurred more frequently among infected patients. There was a positive relationship between these symptoms and the intensity of infection. Fatigue was observed more frequently among patients older than 21 years, suggesting that this symptom increases with age. Abdominal pain and constipation showed an equal distribution between the under and over 20-years age groups. Hepatomegaly and splenomegaly were somewhat more frequent among patients with high-intensity infection.AM Ghandour, AA Al-Robai, M Doenhoff, AA Banaja, Morbidity from Schistosoma Mansoni in Relation to Intensity of Infection in a Community-Based Study. 1990; 10(4): 420-425 Human infection with Schistosoma mansoni has been reported from several localities in Saudi Arabia and exhibits a patchy distribution that ranged between 0 and 90%.