A-VN ESTIMAI TED 1 million persoiis, the majority youngo clildlreni, accidenitally ingest potentially toxic substaiices eaclh year. The Public He(alth Service, tlrough its Nationial Clearinighlouse for Poison Control Centers, provides to more thaii 550 poison control centers informuation on the clhemistry and toxicity of various lhousehold products and medicines, along witlh recommendations for diagnosis and treatmnent wlheni tlhese substances are swvallowed, inhlaled, or absorbed. A reviewv of the clinical reports wlich the centers provide the Clearinghouse indicate that many of these accidenits resuilt from carelessness in the storace, handling, a1nd(l disposal of toxic and potentially toxic substances. Another contributinc factor is adults' apparenit lack of awareness abouit the lhazards involved whlen medicines and houselhold prodcucts are niot uised as intended or directed. Tlherefore a demonstration project in poison preventioni was desigyned to investigate methods aind teclhniques to prevent accidlental poisonings amllonlg preschlool clhildren and implemented in Ch1arleston1 Coiiiuty, S.C.