Studies carried out at the laboratory and in the field identified many potential problems during disinfection of poultry units naturally contaminated with Salmonella enteritidis. There appeared to be variations in the efficiency of commonly used disinfectants within a disinfectant group when used in a contaminated house. It was possible for Salmonella and other coliforms to be amplified during the pressure washing or steam cleaning process. If an effective terminal disinfectant was not used after this, then high levels of Salmonella were likely to persist. The efficiency of the disinfection regimen was not directly dependent on the standard of physical cleaning if this was carried out to a reasonable standard, as a high level of elimination of Salmonella could be achieved even in the presence of substantial quantities of residual organic matter. Disinfection regimens involving formaldehyde, either as part of a terminal compound disinfectant spray or as a final fogging agent, were found to be the most effective in the field.