Films of CdSe were grown by focused electron beam evaporation in vacua in the 10 -6 Torr range on the three singular faces of Ge. The structures of the films were examined by transmission electron microscopy. On (100) oriented substrates, epitaxy was obtained throughout the range of substrate temperatures from 35() ~ to 450~ and the films had the sphalerite structure in parallel alignment with the Ge. The diffraction patterns contained no satellite spots but <111> streaks were present. On (110) oriented substrates the epitaxial growth range of temperatures was 300~176The films again had basically the sphalerite structure in (110) orientation but the domain-form faulted structure was found in all the films. On (111) Ge surfaces, CdSe grew epitaxially at all temperatures from 350 ~ to 450~ and had the sphalerite structure in (111) orientation. Streaks but no satellite spots were observed in the electron diffraction patterns. Well-defined rosettes of Moire spots were observed in the transmission electron diffraction patterns of areas where comparable thicknesses of CdSe and Ge were present in the cases of both (100) and (111) substrates. These Moire diffraction patterns confirmed the parallel alignment of the films on (100) substrates but showed that on (111) substrates the films were azimuthally rotated through a small angle from the parallel orientation.) unless CC License in place (see abstract). address. Redistribution subject to ECS terms of use (see Downloaded on 2015-05-15 to IP ) unless CC License in place (see abstract). address. Redistribution subject to ECS terms of use (see Downloaded on 2015-05-15 to IP Vol. I22,No. 4