Malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM) is a rare and aggressive cancer, for which treatment is often limited to palliative combination chemotherapy. Multimodality-therapy, including radical surgery, is largely restricted to clinical trials, leaving its benefit currently unclear.This study aimed to get a comprehensive view on real-world MPM treatment at the Belgian population level, to assess survival and to identify prognostic factors.
Materials and MethodsThe study period covered the incidence years 2004-2012 (N=1,453). Starting from the Belgian Cancer Registry, additional information regarding patient characteristics, diagnosis and treatment was retrieved from multiple data sources.Adjusted cox proportional-hazard regression models using time-dependent covariates were performed to assess survival in relation to treatment patterns and centre volume.
ResultsSixty-nine percent of patients underwent tumour-directed treatment, mostly cisplatinpemetrexed chemotherapy. Radical surgery was mainly performed in younger patients with epithelioid subtype.Centre volume, surgery and chemotherapy showed a positive relation with survival in univariable analyses, but only chemotherapy remained significantly relevant in multivariable analyses. Younger patients, females, and epithelioid subtypes also independently had a better survival.
ConclusionThis large population-based study provides insights in MPM treatment practice in Belgium.Centre volume and surgery being related to survival in univariable analyses, only chemotherapy remained prognostic after adjustment.