Abstract. The similarity differential equation f + f f + β f ( f − 1) = 0 with β > 0 is considered. This differential equation appears in the study of mixed convection boundary-layer flows over a vertical surface embedded in a porous medium. In order to prove the existence of solutions satisfying the boundary conditions f (0) = a 0 , f (0) = b 0 and f (+∞) = 0 or 1, we use shooting and consider the initial value problem consisting of the differential equation and the initial conditions f (0) = a , f (0) = b and f (0) = c . For 0 < β 1 , we prove that there exists a unique solution such that f (+∞) = 0 , and infinitely many solutions such that f (+∞) = 1 . For β > 1 , we give only partial results and show some differences with the previous case.Mathematics subject classification (2010): 34B15, 34C11, 76D10.