Three algorithms for solving the radiative transfer equation (RTE) were studied: Hydrolight, PEESNA, and LTSN. These algorithms correspond, respectively, to implementations of the invariant imbedding, analytical discrete-ordinates, ant LTS N methods. As a first step, the performance of each algorithm was evaluated running in the same sequential machine. The related codes were used in a hydrologic-optics test case for coastal ocean type of water, in order to calculate the surface-emergent radiation intensities (radiances) given the incident radiances and inherent optical properties such as the absorption and the scattering coefficients. Timing and profiling of the three codes was performed in order to evaluate processing times and identify performance bottlenecks. Next, each algorithm was studied concerning the feasibility of its parallelization using the Message Passing Interface (MPI) messagepassing communication library and execution in a distributed-memory machine, a multicomputer based on IA-32 architecture. The three codes perform spatial discretization of the domain and Fourier decomposition of the radiances obtaining independent azimuthal modes. Therefore, an independent RTE can be written for each azimuthal mode and can be assigned to a different processor, in a parallel implementation. The speed-up that can be achieved increases with the fraction of time spent in the azimuthal mode, but total execution time is also an important issue. Results are discussed and further strategies are proposed.