Korean universities have sought sustainable future-oriented liberal arts education while exploring the role of liberal arts education in the era of the 4th industrial revolution. Even so, unresolved issues arising from historical development should be overcome to take a great step toward innovating liberal arts education. The purpose of this study is to identify problems that appeared in the historical development process of liberal arts education at Korean universities and to derive overcoming tasks. The historical development of liberal arts education at Korean universities can be divided into three stages: Formation Period (1945-1972), Experimental Period (1973-2009), and Autonomous Period (2010-present). The issues that emerged in this development process have two characteristics: confusion in the identity of liberal arts education and development through government control and support. For the sustainable future of liberal arts education, it is necessary to overcome misleading perceptions that hinder the realization of the true meaning of liberal arts education and establish the identity of liberal arts education. Universities should secure autonomy from the government and more actively strengthen and innovate liberal arts education.