The essential work of fracture concept has been extended to cover ductile tearing of polymeric materials that neck before fracture. It is shown that the plane stress specific essential fracture work (w e) can be obtained from deeply edge-notched tension specimens, containing either single or double notches, by extrapolating the straight line relationship between the total specific fracture work (Wy) and ligament length (1) to zero ligament. In this way, specific essential fracture works have been obtained for nylon 66 and two polyethylenes. It seems that w e is a material property for a given sheet thickness being independent of specimen geometry. The straight line relationship between w / a n d / breaks down when the ligament length to sheet thickness ratio is less than about three, since the fracture data fall in the plane stress-plane strain transition region. However, a plane strain specific essential fracture work can still be obtained by extrapolating the least squares curve of the data to zero ligament provided the thickness satisfies plane strain condition. If this condition is not satisfied a near plane strain value is obtained which is dependent upon thickness. This method is also appropriate for ductile polymers like the rubber modified polystyrenes that craze rather than neck.JR curves have also been obtained for nylon 66 and the polyethylenes. Under strictly J-controlled crack growth conditions, it is shown that the intercept and slope of the JR curve, i.e. Jc and dJ/da, are related to the intercept and slope of the w/versus l plot. The limited amounts of J-controlled data available have precluded a more definite and general conclusion to be made. But based on what little is available, the comparisons of these two quantities in the J R -Aa and w / -1 plots are. not unreasonable.