Original publication:Laine, M. (2010), The nature of nature as a stakeholder.Journal of Business Ethics, 96(suppl. 1), 73-78.doi.org/10.1007/s10551-011-0936-4
Acknowledgments:This paper stems from the author's discussions with the late Professor Juha Näsi, whose input on an early version of this paper is gratefully acknowledged. The usual caveat still applies.
AbstractThere is a longstanding debate in the stakeholder literature as to who and what really counts as the stakeholders of the firm. Likewise, there have been discussions on whether nature should be considered a stakeholder of the firm. However, one seldom encounters any definitions of the key concepts, that is of´nature` or´the natural environment`. We seek to contribute to the debate by taking a closer look at what this thing called nature actually is. In addition, we discuss the implications of this conceptual refinement for the stakeholder model. In order to reinforce the status of th e n atural envi ronm en t i n th e stakeh ol der m odel , we prop ose th at any vi suali sati on of a stakeholder network should be embedded in the natural environment.