In hierdie artikel word ’n oorsig van die akademiese bydrae van prof. Jan A. du Rand, emeritus professor in Nuwe Testament aan die Universiteit van Johannesburg en Buitengewone Professor van die Noordwes-Universiteit in Potchefstroom gebied. Ná ’n bondige biografiese oorsig, word Du Rand se akademiese bydrae onder die volgende opskrifte bespreek: Doktorale leiding, Publikasietendense, Griekse taalfase, Johannesevangelie- en -entolēfase, Openbaringfase, Paulusfase en ander publikasies, Hermeneutiese bydrae, Besondere boekpublikasies, Akademiese gemeenskapsbetrokkenheid, Bydrae tot vakverenigings, Bybelvertaling, Informele en kerklike bydraes en Toekennings.Jan A. du Rand, New Testament scholar: A lifelong love relationship with the Johannine New Testament writings. In this article an overview is presented of the academic contribution of Prof. Jan A. du Rand, emeritus Professor in New Testament Studies at the University of Johannesburg and Extraordinary Professor at the North-West University in Potchefstroom. After a brief biographic overview, his academic contribution is discussed under the following headings: Doctoral supervision, Publication trends, Greek language phase, John’s Gospel and entolēphase, Revelation phase, Pauline phase and other publications, Hermeneutical contributions, Special book publications, Academic community involvement, Contributions to academic societies, Bible translation, Informal and ecclesiastic contributions, and Awards.