ABSTRACT:In this paper, we present a numerical method to simulate the hypervelocity launcher (HVL) experiment in which the two-stage light-gas gun impact launches flyers to hypervelocity. HVL is a complex process in numerical simulation, which includes multi-materials, multi-interfaces, huge distortion, high densities and severe shock wave problems, etc. A two-step Euler high-resolution finite volume scheme is used to solve the multi-fluid hydrodynamic equations. The first step is the Lagrange step in which the computation cells are distorted to follow the material motion, and the second step is the Remap step where the distorted cells are mapped back to the Euler meshes. Based on the Volume of Fluids model (VOF) and parabolic piecewise method (PPM), a shock wave physics code named multi-fluid parabolic piecewise method (MFPPM) is developed to simulate the experimental configuration of the hypervelocity launchers and the resolution of the algorithm is also tested. We emphasize the distinguished features of the code that aid in understanding the sensitivity of hypervelocity launcher calculations to the numerical methodology. The MFPPM code is verified and validated by simulating a series of hypervelocity launcher experiments implemented in Sandia National Laboratories. Good agreements are shown when comparing the numerical results with experimental data. Besides, in our National Key Laboratory for Shock Wave and Detonation Physics Research, two new models of the high/low density (Tantalum / Titanium) flyer plates HVL experiment are simulated by the code. Again, the numerical results and experimental data agree well with each other.